Houston Immigration Lawyer Agrees with Study Revealing Why Talented Immigrants are Not Coming to America

Law Firm Newswire



Houston, TX (Law Firm Newswire) July 5, 2012 – Talented immigrants are not coming to the U.S. thanks to the mess the immigration system is in. It is costing the country skilled workers that could help the economy.

The just released report, “Not Coming to America: Why the U.S. is Falling Behind in the Global Race for Talent” uncovers some very real concerns for us as a nation. To summarize, the main reason we are losing out on gaining skilled and other workers to help us rebuild our economy is a direct result of the nightmarish immigration system we have today.

The report does not just outline the issues with the system, but goes into some depth on cures for the broken system, by offering a common sense approach to not only fix the mess, but boost the economy. Authored by The Partnership for a New American Economy and Partnership for New York City, the report spotlights what many already know to be true about the existing immigration system – that is it fundamentally wrecked, profoundly off the rails and a detriment to a country struggling to survive economically. In short, without the addition of talented workers to help the ailing economy, the future of this great country is skating on thin ice.

It is clear that if the nation were to adopt more strategic immigration policies that made some sense that job creation would increase and that the workforce would begin to contribute to the nation’s coffers in various forms, and thus the re-building of the economy would begin. However, immigration reform is mired in political rhetoric and at a screaming standstill.

“The report mentions three risks for the U.S. economy if it does not do something about immigration reform. There are a dearth of employees in the research, science and technology and math fields (STEM), a shortage of younger workers and a decline in business start-ups. Jobs openings in the STEM industries crop up three times faster than in other areas, and there are not enough American students in these fields. If we, as a nation hoping to recover our once vibrant economy, do not take action to meet these demands, the labour force will decline even further,” said Banerjee, a Houston immigration lawyer. U.S. Census data indicates business start-ups have never been so low.

Immigration reform is an obvious priority. However, in the current political climate, it does not look like reform will be achieved. In the meantime, the economy continues to struggle, immigrants with skills we desperately need are not able to come the America and there seems to be no solution or resolution in sight. It’s time political agendas were set aside for the good of all Americans.

Annie Banerjee is a Houston immigration lawyer specializing in helping people become United States citizens. The law offices assist in visas and other legal immigration requirements as well. To learn more, visit https://www.visatous.com.

Law Offices of Annie Banerjee
131 Brooks Street, Suite #300
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
Phone: (281) 242-9139

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